Life isn’t about finding yourself.
It’s about creating yourself.

Read Me: Spilled Milk by KL Randis
Spilled Milk is her autobiography, written as fiction, which chronicles her childhood with a sexually abusive father, an inattentive and addicted mother, and her fierce dedication to protect her siblings from the ongoing trauma and terror inside their home.

Returning to School During COVID-19
Let’s be supportive of our back-to-schoolers. The brick and mortars, the distance-learners, the homeschoolers, and the virtual learners. Let’s also be kind and supportive of each other because human beings were built with resiliency. We can do hard things, especially when we do it together.

Maintaining Our Mental and Emotional Health
When we think about staying healthy, certain things appear on our short list of must-do’s: healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, medical check ups, dental cleanings. What often doesn’t register as an integral piece of our well-being, requiring regular...

Anxiety Symptoms and Covid-19
The symptoms of anxiety are being mistaken for the symptoms of covid-19 infection.

Staying Grounded in a World Turned Upside Down
We are experiencing an unprecedented global health crisis. In a world that feels largely out of control, what can we do to stay calm while facing so much uncertainty?

An Attitude of Gratitude
The Thanksgiving holiday represents a celebration of gratitude in many different ways. Originally a celebration by the Pilgrims of their first harvest in the New World, the traditional Thanksgiving meal represents a rejoicing for bountiful crops, family and friends...

Empty Nest Syndrome
As our children file back into class this fall, parents also return to the comfortable structure of daily routine: work days, family vacations, and our own activities planned around our childrens’ school schedules. However, there are families among us who are...

Let Freedom Ring
July 4th marks the celebration of America's Independence from British rule. It was on this day in 1776 that the thirteen colonies declared they were no longer subject to the rules, restrictions, and ideologies being imposed on them by a monarch positioned across an...

Celebrate the effort, instead of the achievement
As another school year draws to a close, end of year exams loom on the horizon. Final grades, class rankings, scholarship opportunities, and college admissions may all hang in the balance. As parents, we want the very best for our children; the best possible futures,...

The holiday season is upon us!
The holiday season is upon us! This is the time of year that brings families together. It can also be the time of year that reminds us why we might choose to spend time apart. Why is it that we can walk through the door of our parents' homes and immediately feel like...
Hours & Info
Northern St. Johns County:
157 Hampton Point Drive, Ste 1
St. Augustine, FL 32092
Teletherapy office:
Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00
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The content provided by Good Mental Health LLC is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for qualified professional care. All content is owned by the author and may be shared with proper attribution to source.