Summer time isn’t always fun time

Summer time isn’t always fun time

Lazy summer days… Summertime invokes images of lazy days, family vacations, and freedom from the normal stresses that accompany the school year. For many of us, we look forward to the lack of schedule which allows us to unwind, de-stress, and recharge before the...
How to Study Smart Not Hard

How to Study Smart Not Hard

It’s report card time down here in Florida. In spite of Hurricane Irma closing schools in our district for 6 days in September (with two weekends included in those days off resulting in a 10 day break in the middle of the first quarter of the new school year) it’s...
Enmeshed Family Systems and Emotional Abuse

Enmeshed Family Systems and Emotional Abuse

What is an enmeshed family system? The short answer: the way one family member feels, all family members are expected to feel. Think of this: a mother picks up her children from school on a Friday afternoon. She is relaxed and joyful, thinking of the long three-day...
Teach kids to communicate with confidence

Teach kids to communicate with confidence

Have you ever been in a situation that makes you so uncomfortable you break out in a full body sweat? There’s nothing worse. You meet someone new and, all of a sudden, you feel self-conscious, or intimidated, or embarrassed and it happens.  The getmeouttahere...
Secondary Infertility and the 5 Stages of Grief

Secondary Infertility and the 5 Stages of Grief

  Next year at this time, my baby will be starting high school.  This week marks the start of a new school year. Summer break began in May, and although it feels like we’re cutting the summer awfully short by going back to school in the beginning of August,...

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